Cute Quote

Worth Watching

Monday, October 27, 2008

Character Analysis

The character, Ronnie “Ronald”, in the 2007 blockbuster film, Distrubia, was portrayed by Aaron Yoo, a twenty-nine year old Asian from East Brunswick, New Jersey. Ronnie is the average teenager that is the silly, immature, yet intelligent friend everyone has amongst their group of friends or self-proclaimed ‘clique’. Through auditory elements, Ronnie is shown to be the ‘jokester’ amongst everyone through his playful attitude and vulgar innuendos to attract attention- shown during the first few minutes of the movie where he says perhaps in Spanish as it sounds like ‘kiss ass’. These acts of foolishness point to the fact that Ronnie is that guy everyone knows that doesn’t take much seriously but is still an over all well-rounded guy, funny to talk to but sometimes annoying and hard to put up with. Through visual elements, the audiences of the movie can see that Ronnie does not think much of his stunts through before completion. In a scene where Kale, Shia Lebeouf’s character, shows Ronnie the girl next door swimming half-naked in a bikini, Ronnie tries to get a better view of the scenery by pushing the binoculars up close to the window and then hurting himself from the due force. The scene was very humorous but showed not only the perverted side of the character, but the stupidity behind his actions. Common-sense knows that binoculars magnify scenery, but Ronnie does not think logically in this scene- nor the scene after it when the girl catches him and his friend spying on her and looks out the window anyway- after a warning from Kale- to see if she was coming over to tell them off. It is these random acts of hilarity that make Ronnie a believable character in the movie and not some terrible actor that over thinks the part. Ronnie’s character can be related to anyone’s group of friends or close relative with a similar personality. The character serves as comic relief in a way while bringing seriousness and naivety to the movie to keep in tune with the plot line. Ronnie can be related back to anyone’s close friend that is the funny one that is the smart one but acts incredible dumb.


mbrown8625 said...

I accidentally deleted your email. I hit the trash icon, which is right next to the reply icon. I'm sorry honey.

Anywho, Check my blog for the assignment. I just updated it with the homework for tomorrow. :-)